Ottawa Street BIA


Ottawa Street is Hamilton’s Destination for Inspiration.

The Ottawa Street BIA is a collective voice that represents the unique needs of the community and aims to create a vibrant and sustainable business, cultural and residential environment. The association is committed to improving and promoting Ottawa Street through investment and advocacy to further its position as Hamilton’s Destination for Inspiration. Our vision is to create a vibrant and inclusive shopping district and residential community in Hamilton’s East End.

Colourful spools of fabric.


The Ottawa Street Business Improvement Area (BIA) is a nonprofit association established in 1985. The Ottawa Street BIA runs from Main Street to Barton and is located in the Heart of Hamilton’s East End. It is made up of more than 100 businesses and property owners offering a unique mix of retail, goods, and services. The BIA promotes Ottawa Street as the vibrant and eclectic commercial, retail, residential, and entertainment spot, attracting more people to live, shop, work and gather.

Ottawa Street’s distinct character has attracted a variety of fabric and home-decorating businesses throughout the years as it continually strives to re-invent itself. Today, a recent influx of antique stores, more eclectic retail offerings and eateries continue to keep Ottawa Street pertinent.

Our intention is to improve business within the BIA area through beautification, promotion, advocating on behalf of its members, and improving tourism. Some benefits include the improvement of the physical environment, including parking, benches, flowers, planters, special street lighting, improved streetscapes, art and beautification projects. We strive to work annually with local artists to create placemaking projects that reflect our beliefs and ideals.

A large part of what we do is the marketing and promotion of the area as a business and shopping community. These marketing and promotion efforts can include organizing community events, public relations programs, and advertising campaigns. Advocating on behalf of its members at Council meetings, seminars, and public meetings. During these events, activations and programs we focus on hiring local entertainers, performers, musicians, artists, etc to enhance the experience. All our events are non-profit and free to attend for everyone.

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Smiling woman reaching out for food from a vendor.

Business Directory

Ottawa Street North businesses, hours and contact information.

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Smiling woman holding a potted plant with more plants in the background.


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